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逆順 Nì Shùn - Moving Against / Moving With

Lingshu Chapter 55 逆順 N ì Shùn  is a uniquely small, simple, yet straight forward section of the Huangdi Neijing Lingshu. 逆順 N ì Shùn  or "moving against and moving with what is naturally so" is the one linking foundational principle found within every single chapter of the Huangdi Neijing, it is what encapsulates Han methodical thought (known as the Han synthesis) in which all things have a systematic connectivity to each other. It is where the health of that connection is determined by whether we, as individuals, as mirrors of the cosmos, decide to live in accord with what is naturally so, with our environment, with seasonal law, with the cosmos itself, or against it. What equals life, longevity, and health? It is us swimming, or floating with the current, however, once we go against it, when we struggle, it equals disease or death. The 逆順: 黃帝問于伯高曰: 余聞氣有逆順, 脈有盛衰, 刺有大約, 可得聞乎? 伯高曰: 氣之逆順者, 所以應天地陰陽四時五行也; 脈之盛衰者, 所以候血氣之虛實有餘不足; 刺之大約者, 必明知病之可刺, 與其未可刺, 與其已不可刺也.  "H

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